06 April, 2014

Films from BIAFF

On 17 April, we'll be screening a selection of films from BIAFF 2013. There are too many films available to show them all, but you will see some of the following films:

The Top Award Show
‘Present from the Past’ (Diamond Award, Winner of Daily Mail Challenge Trophy for Best Film in Festival)
‘No Regrets’ (Diamond Award, Best British Young Film Maker, Best British Film in Festival)
‘The Last of the Wolfgang’ (Diamond Award, Best Documentary)
‘Wild North Staffordshire’ (Diamond Award, Best Photography)
‘The Jumblies’ (Diamond Award, Best Animation)
‘Thinking Time’ (Diamond Award, Best Editing)
‘The Egg’ (5 Stars, Best Comedy)

Other Films
‘Mysterious Island’ (4 Stars)
‘Edgar’s Egg’ (4 Stars)
‘Just Friends’ (4 Stars)
‘The Date’ (4 Stars)
‘Mindbreak Diamond’
‘Billy’ (4 Stars)
‘Zwischenstopp’ (Diamond Award)
‘Mon Petit Bonhomme’ (5 Stars)
‘Sofiah’ (4 Stars)
‘Stars of the Sussex Downs’ (3 Stars)
‘War of Words’ (2 Stars, Best Under 16, Music Sponsors’ Prize) 

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