26 January, 2013

Isn't that Horror?

While work on group productions will be continuing, other Club members will be considering how events in real life can inspire successful films. One example of this is the horror genre. In this case, the film Scream was inspired by real crimes and became Hollywood's most successful horror movie.


Let's hope that it will be inspiring.

Day: Thursday 31 January
Time: 8 pm – 10.00 pm
Location: St James' Church Hall,
Lulworth Road, Southport, PR8 2BQ.

19 January, 2013

Southport MovieMakers Welcomes Potential of Southport Film Festival

It was reported in the Southport Visiter this week that, following the significant investment in the new Atkinson Centre in Southport, there is the potential for Southport having its own film festival. Southport MovieMakers very much welcomes both the forthcoming opening of the new facilities at the Atkinson Centre and the potential of a Southport Film Festival.

We would definitely welcome the opportunity to enter one or more of our films. We have won numerous awards in our 64-year existence, in regional, national and international competitions and have entered previous local festivals. More recent productions have won a large number of awards, and two won gold and bronze medals at UNICA, the world amateur film festival in 2009. Prior to the closure of Southport Arts Centre, we gave a show of our local archive films there to a capacity audience.

A film festival would bring publicity to Southport, as well as increased business to local restaurants, shops and hotels. From the perspective of film, a film festival would provide an opportunity for people to see new films and for filmmakers, who might not have their films shown otherwise, to get feedback on them. New talent could be discovered.

The opening of the Atkinson Centre brings a long-awaited venue for many kinds of event. In recent years, the Club has seen a welcome influx of younger film makers, of whom there are now twelve aged 17 to 21, a third of the membership.  Since their arrival, there has been a welcome increase in the number of films produced, and the possibility of showing some of them on the screen at the Atkinson Centre would encourage those who have made them, and interest those who come to view them.

Anything that brings a major event to Southport and reflects our interest and passion for creativity in film should be encouraged. We certainly encourage these developments.

We spoke to the Southport Visiter about this development earlier this week:
Film fest potential welcomed by group

Southport’s Atkinson Centre almost ready to wow crowds - Southport Visitor (17 January 2013)

The Atkinson Development (Sefton Council)

14 January, 2013

Current Group Projects in Development

As well as watching films and hearing visiting speakers, a major part of the core activity of Southport MovieMakers is actual film-making.

This year, Club members have a long list of subject -headings from which to select as the theme for their film:

Music Videos
Filming at Night
Film from Newspaper Story
Film based on Circles
The Chase
Local Events
Horror Film
Local Architecture
Film without Words

07 January, 2013

Is He a Villain or a Good Guy?

One of the positive things about being a member of a national association (The Film and Video Institute) is that we get to share resources. For example, clubs can exchange films so that members in one club can see what another club is producing. On one level, this can provide a measure of benchmarking. On another level, it can be the catalyst that sparks the idea for a new film project. Southport MovieMakers’ films have been viewed around the country and a selection of our films is scheduled to be viewed at Stoke Cine and Video Society next week. Reciprocally, this week (Thursday 10 January), we will be the beneficiaries of seeing the work of Stoke Cine and Video Society.

The films that we will be viewing are as follows:

"Forgotten Hero"
After accompanying Scott on his expedition, Shackleton tells the story of his own attempt to reach the South Pole. The event comes to life dramatically, with shots of the hut he left behind as it is viewed by modern tourists.  (Directed by Alan Wood).

"Vermin" features a householder who cannot insure his property after four break-ins in a row. In yet another burglary he catches the thief, and in a fit of rage murders him with a garden fork. His claim of self-defence hangs in the balance. This is a very well-made film, with authentic locations.

It's often said that actors like to play the villain of the piece/murderers because it gives them something to get their teeth stuck into, particularly so if they've become accustomed to playing the good guy. However, given the motivation for this murderer, is he a villain or a good guy? I'll leave you to figure that one out.

Other films are:
"Disappearing Gun"
"Coffee Maker"
"The Owl and the Pussycat" – Not to be confused with the famous George Segal and Barbra Streisand film of the same title
"Where have all the Flowers Gone?"
"High Eye"
"A Sad Tail"
"Old Boots"
"Road Hog"
"I Spy"
"Hell's Angels"
"It's a Frog's Life"
"Infertile Imagination"

The Film and Video Institute

Day: Thursday 10 January
Time: 8 pm – 10.00 pm
Location: St James' Church Hall,
Lulworth Road, Southport, PR8 2BQ.

05 January, 2013

QR Code - Another Step into the Digital Age

Southport MovieMakers is pleased to announce that it has taken another step into the digital age and has just posted a QR (Quick Response) Code on the Home Page of its web site.

If you have the necessary software installed on your smart phone, your phone’s camera can scan any QR Code and open, immediately, a web site/blog without having to type in the web site address. Depending on the software you have installed, you may be able to send the web address retrieved via e-mail and text message.

Here is the QR code for Southport MovieMakers' Home Page:

QR Code for Southport MovieMakers' Home Page 

It has lots of applications – limited only by the imagination. A real boon to marketing.

Further Information

02 January, 2013

Film-making Creativity Can Often Work Well in Partnerships

First of all, Happy New Year.

On Thursday evening 3 January 2013, our Chairman, Josh Gwynne will be presenting his choice of films.

Film-making creativity can often work well in partnerships. Consider Steven Spielberg in partnership with Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen in setting-up DreamWorks; Joel David Coen and Ethan Jesse Coen, together known as the Coen brothers; Ismail Merchant and James Ivory (Merchant Ivory Productions)……and Laurel and Hardy. The list could go on.

This preamble about partnerships is by way of introduction to the theme for this Thursday's meeting. Josh is currently in collaboration with Ian Casey of IanCaseyArts. Such is their industry, that in the last month alone they have worked together on three short projects. Recently, the two have done work for charities including sponsored Santa Dash’s, Help for Heroes and The Fair Trade Company (Southport).

Ian and Josh will introduce a selection of their films (studio work and short films). The evening will feature the premiere of “Me Ian and I” which is a film about Ian and his identity, filmed by Josh and is very experimental; even avant-garde. Josh expects that the film will raise some conversation and questions from the other members of Southport MovieMakers.

Also, Josh and Ian will discuss plans for the future of their partnership in 2013.